We hope you had a blast at the Harlem Wizards Vs the Teachers basketball game. We are excited to announce that the students of Center Elementary School are now teaming up with the World Famous Harlem Wizards to help us raise funds for the Stow Parent Teacher Organization with their new WizFit Challenge fundraiser and kids experience. During a two-week period starting on 05-02-2024 our students will watch and participate in an exclusive series of six interactive video episodes led by Harlem Wizard stars Swoop and Broadway. They will get fit, learn tricks, have fun, earn prizes, and be coached on character by the Wizards.
We will then conclude this event on 05-22-2024 with a Graduation Celebration where every student will participate and win free prizes.
Our goal is to raise $12,000. With the Wizfit Challenge, The Stow Parent Teacher Organization is not just empowering our kids to get off the bench (playing video games) and onto the court for some classic outdoor action. We are also able to raise money to support more field trips for our students. Something which we all missed and thankfully managed to bring back to our kids this year. Let’s get those young ballers dribbling and dunking while netting some serious cash for more unforgettable away games (offsite field trips)! ???? We're excited to see our Center Community come together for this fundraiser and learn some really cool moves.